February 18

Ethan invention

My invention is a car that an go 10 times faster than a rocket and has armor stronger than a Rhino and it is a race car and it has never lost a game and will cost at least 5,000 dolors to have it and its mph go,s up to 201 mph  ad it takes up a out 11 tons of gas to get.Screen Shot 2015-02-18 at 9.03.39 AM

January 21

A paradise called texas

My favorite part is when mina is thinking about

pulling dr shulbert berd and drag him home to help papa.

Then when mina and Anna saw a panther and dad shot in the air

and scared it away.Then mina,s mom dies because she got really sick.

And mina,s dad got really sick and mina wen,t to go get a indian to help papa.

Mina and papa mom got on a ship and had a very bad storm and mina said she felt like she was sea sick.

Papa got a gun to protect his family from indians from killing them and taking mina.

Mina met a indian girl and became best friends and gave mina a blue belt and mina gave the indian girl

a pice mina,s hear.


October 1

ROW Your Site

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Four facts about t rex is that they eat meat. They are very big and are taller then humans.

They are also good hunters. There might also still be some fossils still around somewhere.